Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Know About Life Insurance Protection Quotes

When you are preparing to take an insurance plan there are many factors that have to be regarded. If you have a family you have to take into account individuals who will be reliant on you and also try to determine for how long this reliance will last. Having financial obligations or loans to pay up is another aspect. So when you are looking forever insurance it would be a wise decision to acquire some life quotations.

Online life insurance quotes are one of the most convenient and the best method for evaluate the prices of the various guidelines. A lot of individuals are not satisfied near a broker because they really have no concept about what the whole thing requires especially as there are many factors. So getting quotations through the internet is one of the best method for get the answers of the guidelines, their prices, and information of their protection.

The plus point of on the internet quotations are that they allow the consumer to get into a wide range of figures from the various guidelines to see for themselves what the net results would be. This reveals the consumer what amount they can manage to guarantee. But while inquiring for on the internet quotations make sure that you acquire quotations from well-known insurance companies. Compare quotations and check out why a certain company provides a greater discount prices, because there is an opportunity that there are certain restrictions to their plan.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Financial Goals Do not Ought To Embrace Cash Advance

What square measure your monetary goals? Square measure you try to urge faraway from needing a cash advance? Would you prefer to be mastercard debt free? However would you employ a budget to help come through these goals? Before you will even begin acting on these goals, take a decent investigate wherever your finances square measure currently and start to believe what sacrifices are often created within the method.
Focus on one or two objectives at a time. Unless you've got voluminous cash to be opened across several areas, keep it straightforward. Once you do determine monetary goals, take many moments and range them. Once you concentrate your efforts into choosing goals at the highest, you will have a higher probability of achieving success.
Do not assume the straightforward goals ought to be at the highest of the list. You cannot range supported convenience. Do not let the unsought goals sit at very cheap. Obtaining prevent those mights build the most important distinction. Investigate all of your debt and compare outstanding balances and rate.
Be prepared for issues. If all of your goals square measure met while not a defect, then amazing for you! The majority does expertise monetary conflicts, particularly once it involves cash and bills.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

RICHARD GREENE: With engagement it is far easier to impact politics at City Hall

While attending a meeting this week with our member of Congress, Joe Barton, discussion among the 30 or so participants confirmed something I tell my UT Arlington students all the time.

I explain their potential as fully engaged citizens in a democracy and how they can make a difference. In doing so, I point them to city hall, not Washington.

Let me quickly say that I would never suggest that they don’t matter when it comes to shaping national public policy; I just emphasize the reality of their local influence in those things that surround their daily lives.

The meeting with Congressman Barton perfectly illustrates how this works. Joe’s agenda for the meeting included the federal budget, our incalculable national debt, and the practice in Washington of spending more money that the government receives.

He asked the audience if they favored a balanced federal budget. Only one person didn’t raise his hand. Having established that the preference of this segment of the public was to balance the budget, he then asked how soon. 

Richard Greene

“In a year or two?” he suggested – a couple of hands went up. “Twenty years?” – no hands. He went on to say that he had supported a budget bill that had been adopted by the House of Representatives that would balance the budget in 10 years.

This audience thought that was too long and the consensus was to get the federal budget balanced in five years. Okay, the will of the people has been delivered to their congressman. Now comes the hard part.

Joe then reviewed where the government was spending the most money. Social Security, national defense, Medicare, Medicaid, and interest payments on the debt are the top five and account for about 70 percent of all federal expenditures.

Reductions in any of these categories would have the most impact and, at least in theory, could result in a balanced budget.

“Where,” he then asked, “should the cuts come from?”

“Well,” a participant offered, “we’ve got to cut into those entitlement programs.”

That meant reductions should be made in Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

“But,” the speaker continued, “we have to honor our contracts.” That suggestion then resulted in a discussion about Washington’s definition of “contract.”

Nobody in the room offered support for cutting Social Security payments to those already receiving them or, for that matter, anyone within 10 years of becoming eligible for the promised retirement money the government had forced them to set aside during their lifetime of work.

Comments about how to amend the Social Security contract then demonstrated the difficulty in finding an acceptable answer. That it takes a majority of the members of the House of Representatives and the Senate and the president’s signature to amend that contract further confounded the discussion. Just like the entire congress, Joe’s audience was way short of a majority to provide an answer.

Then the discussion turned to Medicare and Medicaid. Part of Medicare is also a contract that taxpayers have had to pay and part of Medicare is optional at extra cost. Medicaid addresses the needs of the elderly, the very young, the disabled, and the poor and varies from state to state, as the program is a partnership between the federal government and the states.

Just like the outcome on the Social Security question, there was frustration in the room that expressed itself when a participant declared, “Well, someone sure should do something about these programs.”

Ideas of cutting the budget for our nation’s defense were quickly reduced to references of cutting “foreign aid.” This was a Republican meeting and the idea of cutting the military does not produce very much support among members of the party who see our national security as the top priority of the government. Joe said there would be defense cuts but such would not ever be enough to balance the budget.

Those in attendance probably left the meeting feeling good about participating but rather empty handed when it comes to having produced any answers much less any results.

Then I thought about the fact that the city council would be meeting later that evening – just like they do every week. Citizens are welcome at any such meeting. They even get to walk up to the microphone and tell their elected representatives what they would like to see happen, or not happen, in their hometown.

Unlike the gridlock in Washington, things actually get done at the local level. Unlike the mysteries of Washington and its appearance of being impossible to influence or even approach, here a committed few can bring about desired outcomes.

From everyday things like designing and delivering a decent road network, or being sure we have enough police officers and firefighters to keep us safe, and some nice parks to enjoy are things all actually under the control of the people.

Safe drinking water, an efficient and dependable sewage disposal system, garbage collection, quality public education, economic opportunity and jobs are the kinds of things We the People make happen by our participation.

Sometimes we even move mountains. Would you like to be part of one of the few, privileged host cities for Major League Baseball and the National Football League? You get to decide.

A former speaker of the House of Representatives, Tip O’Neill once said, “All politics is local.” He was trying to say that ultimately the people rule. It’s just much harder to believe that when we see how they do things in Washington compared to how we do them locally.

Local elections are coming up soon; we’re going to elect a mayor and some city council members. Now would be a good time for people to realize why that matters.

Richard Greene is a former Arlington mayor, served as an appointee of Pres. George W. Bush as Regional Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, and currently is an adjunct professor in UT Arlington’s Graduate School of Urban and Public Affairs.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

CHERYL NASON: Spring springing, try new playground at River Legacy Parks

It’s that time of year when the dull brown-grays of winter begins to fade and the lovely green of spring explodes like a painted landscape.  What a perfect time to explore the outdoors.  Arlington is home to a wonderful series of parks, but the jewel in the crown is River Legacy Parks.

This magical nature experience is a 1,300-acre natural park located on the banks of the Trinity River in North Arlington.  The philosophy behind the park is to preserve the natural beauty of the terrain along the Trinity while at the same time providing recreational and educational opportunities for park visitors.  A playground area has always been a favorite with children and their parents.

According to Kurt Beilharz, project manager for the City of Arlington Parks and Recreation Department, “The playground area of the park had become outdated and was recently refurbished and improved with new equipment and safety surfacing designed with a nature-theme consistent with the natural surroundings in the park.”

The main play equipment structures were installed last summer.  The equipment was custom designed for the River Legacy Park playground and is sculpted from glass fiber reinforced concrete.  The new equipment is exciting and inviting, beckoning children to come play and explore!
Cheryl Nason

Slides appear to be coming out of a huge old hollow tree trunk and climbers have been designed on the sides of the tree. Animal faces, such as raccoons and owls, peer out from hollows in the tree.  A net climber is configured to look like a giant spider.  There are shaded areas under the quasi-trees  for kids to sit and interact. For the smaller kids there is an actual sized skeleton of a T-Rex dinosaur to climb on.

Beilharz continues, “Another very exciting aspect of the new playground is a system of raised net tunnel structures that take the adventurous up into the lower branches of surrounding trees.”

A playtrail has also been constructed.  The “Playtrail” concept promotes fitness by encouraging families to walk together and enjoy the various play areas along the trail.

While you’re at the park, also explore the 12, 000-square-foot Living Science Nature Center.  The Center is home to environmental education programs and there is always a calendar full of public programs and events.  The children’s programs are particularly popular and space is limited.

Click here to learn more about River Legacy the experiences that await you and your family.  Or you call 817-860-6752.

Columnist Cheryl Nason is a motivational speaker, author, educator and an expert on humor in the workplace. More information:

Monday, April 1, 2013

CHICKS WHO CLICK: All-women photography exhibit kicks off at AMA

The Arlington Museum of Art is currently featuring the just-opened Chics Who Click exhibit, a local women’s photography group.
“They are a diverse group of women of all ages, backgrounds, photographic skill level, yet all love photography,” notes museum Director Chris Hightower.
The show started April 1 and lasts through September 30 in the Rooftop Gallery.
There will be more than 30 women showing in this exhibit. There will be 20 women showing each month, so the images will change each month throughout the exhibit. Some of the images will be for sale to the public as well as smaller keepsake copies of their Bio Book.
“Chics Who Click Facebook group started a year ago, with their first year anniversary being March 31,” Hightower said. “So it is very fitting that the exhibit started the next day. They currently have 243 members with the numbers growing each day.”
The group does weekly challenges, photo walks, photo safaris, classes and network in a variety of other ways. Chics Who Click show each other support by answering questions, giving tips, teaching each other, assisting each other on photo shoots as well as sharing information concerning the photography industry.
“Please come join us in our celebration of the art of photography,” Hightower said.
The Arlington Museum of Art is located at 201 W. Main St. in downtown Arlington, just west of City Hall. The museum exists to champion creativity and provide access to art for the cultural enrichment and economic development of our community.The Arlington Museum of Art is a not-for-profit 501(c)3 organization administered by a board of directors and staffed by volunteers.
The museum sponsors a year-round program of curated art exhibitions, which are featured in the main gallery on the first floor. The museum seeks to present outstanding art work by regional artists with shows that incorporate a variety of styles from traditional to contemporary to experimental.
“We endeavor to present accompanying educational material with these exhibits so the viewing public will have an enjoyable time and a learning experience,” Hightower says. “Curated exhibitions typically run from six weeks to two months in length.”